I have always looked forward to documenting the funny things Aaron would say when he hit the appropriate age, as I always get a kick out of reading about other kids' crazy talk.... I realized that this week I had a few....
*Unfortunately, Aaron has had a terrible case of the croup this past week. Poor little guy always cries and complains when he coughs that he has "owies" in his "hole" (pointing to his mouth).
*With the croup has come a decrease in appetite, so I have had to really encourage him to eat at times saying things like, "Honey, eating this applesauce will help the owies in your hole" (i.e. story above =) ) He went pee pee on the potty yesterday so I gave him a piece of candy and he said, "Mommy, candy help Aaron's owies" with a little grin.
*He loves to throw his little nerf football around but he is getting too strong to really do it in our little house without avoiding the danger of breaking something. He tossed it in the air the other day pretty hard and so I said, "Aaron, you cannot throw your football in here!" He then threw out his hands impatiently at me and tilted his head, "Mama!!! Football guys THROW footballs!"
Looking forward to a very funny future with this little man.