Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Random and Raspberries

Just some random shots over the past few weeks since it's been awhile....

This picture below.... It's hard to explain, so I won't try. Obviously, major silliness....

Noel is now just barely able to start having ponytails and clips in her hair. Which is helpful because she is all about pulling her headbands off now....

She learned how to blow raspberries this week and sometimes it's so much fun to do, she can't nap..... I hear her in her bed spitting away....

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

6 Months

Our baby girl is 1/2 year already! (Notice Aaron's halfway-up index finger indicating her age =) ) Her 6 months stats: 15lbs. 4 oz (25th percentile) and 27 3/4 inches long (95th percentile).

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Easter Entertaining

I realized I never posted pics from Easter. And that probably was because our Easter was pretty lame - both Aaron and Lee ended up with the throw ups that day so it was a bit of a bummer. (Okay, I know, it's not about us - It's about Jesus rising from the dead, but still.... I don't like cleaning up puke on any day, much less a holiday.) Anyway, it was over with quickly and Noel and I were fine at least to take care of everyone.

Church that morning was AWESOME at least, and we mustered up the energy to hunt some eggs in the backyard....

The relationship seems to be continuing to develop between the two of these children.... Aaron loves to entertain Noel and get reactions from her. And she of course, finds him entertaining...

Sometimes the entertainment doesn't go over very well and we do not achieve the desired effect....

We are having fun with these kids and they keep us on our toes!