Friday, August 15, 2008


We have been really anxious for Aaron to really take off and walk by himself, and though he seems to show all the signs that he is about to, he seems to prefer the easy and faster route of crawling. Anyway, Lee and I both noticed and became increasingly bothered at times by the way Aaron's feet positioned when he would stand and take steps - He tends to stand with his feet pointed out with most of his weight on the inside arch. The picture below shows kind of what we would see most of the time.... (sidenote - his facial expression in this pic is so funny)
Anyway, it's funny when you start thinking/worrying about something being "wrong" with your child. I'm kind of weird in these situations in that I think about the worse-case scenario - for instance, Aaron not ever being able to walk and how I would handle it, what I would do, how I would want to help him through the challenge etc. I know it may sound dramatic and negative, but it just helps me process my worry. At any rate, I am lucky to have an amazing orthopedic surgeon for an uncle and I called and talked to him, and brought Aaron over to his house to observe and poke. His prognosis and explanations were very relieving and almost humorous - he feels that Aaron has super flexible joints (which we have already noticed) and this makes his ankels loose. He will eventually get used to this and learn to balance and stand more firmly, but it just may take him a little while longer to figure things out, so we need not worry - he is fine. =)Anyway, it was all very interesting and comforting.... And it also got me thinking (since we are a very sports-minded family), I heard that Michael Phelps is super flexible.... Interesting =)


Tousley's said...

As I was reading this entry, I got excited that I would get to make a comment about Aaron being like Michael Phelps...and then I got to the bottom and saw you already commented on that. Why do you always have to be the cleaver one?

Betsy said...

Im glad everything is fine. It's amazing how your mind can run away with worry about our kids. No doubt that Aaron will be amazing at whatever he chooses to do.

Anonymous said...

So funny! A little athlete, just maybe a swimmer not a b-ball/softball player! :)

Tirsa Baker said...

Since you compared Aaron's flexibility to Michael Phelps, Brian decided that Keith needs to up his athletic ability already. What a joy to have immensely competitive husbands...

JECKBECK (Erin) said...

Oh this is just the start of it. I still worry constantly whether my kids are "normal" and dwell on the what-ifs. Us mothers are crazy! When I was reading your post and saw that he was "flexible" my first thought was Michael Phelps too. Maybe this will be his gift!