Monday, April 21, 2008

Thanks Lee/Daddy!

Aaron has been sick AGAIN this past weekend, (two more teeth last week) and I came down with the flu today also - The kind of flu where you want to throw up when you just picking your head up off the coach.... Arg. I rarely get sick (esp. the flu - besides pregnancy, I think it's been 10 years!) It always reminds me when I'm sick to not take my health for granted....
Warning: graphic photo below of Melissa without make-up:
Anyway, I have to brag about my husband who stayed home from work and took care of both of us today. I was so grateful as I don't know what I would have done without him. It was a big sacrifice as missing a day of work sets him back and makes his week extra busy, but he didn't complain and took such great care of us. Which for someone without the gift of mercy, this is huge - I know because I also lack that gift. =) I think he was a little tired though at the end of the day....
Thanks Lee! We love you!


Tousley's said...

Such a cute picture! I love seeing your little family. We sort of have a blog, but I'm bad about posting things. I'm sure we'll do more when we have a little one.

Sara said...

first, you look great without makeup...but hope you feel better, getting sick like that when you have someone depending on you is the worst...but so refreshing to have the support to help you when you need it!

Holly said...

Yay, Lee! That's so awesome, Melissa that he took care of you guys! Asher got his first ear infection this past weekend, and Paeter got a sinus infection, so it was my turn to take care of my boys. :-( Hope you and Aaron are feeling better!

Dana said...

I think you look amazing without makeup too! Sheesh. How fair is that =). What a good husband. Hope you are fully recovered!