Sunday, July 20, 2008

All together

We have been partying lots and having lots of fun this weekend as our out of town Fox "family" members are all visiting, including.....

Kyle's girlfriend from California, Sarah.....
and Steve and Serina (my "blood in Christ" Sister =) ).
So the full family being around has made for good pool volleyball match ups all weekend....
Brynn has been such a great little walker now for several months so we are waiting for Aaron to try to catch her....He's still working on it. =)


Wallace said...

cute pics. fun to see serina! aaron looks similar to wallace, trying to walk! his birthday is coming up, right??

Betsy said...

don't you worry he will be walking before you know it and never compare boys to girls. They do things all different and not one is better than the other. Looks like you are having a fun summer!