Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Freeway opening

A cool tradition that AZ has is "Freeway opening parties" - as the completion of a freeway happens, they have a one-night celebration on the new stretch of road before cars are allowed to go on. They let all kinds of vendors come and set up booths so thousands of people come out to ride bikes, walk, skateboard, and SWEAT on the freeway while visiting the different booths. Our church set one up and passed out free water bottles to "advertise" ourselves - It was a great time! The very exciting thing about this stretch of freeway is that it is very close (but not TOO close =) ) to our own house which will definitely help out our gas tanks!

Sidenote: This was Aaron's first experience with a popsicle. I'd say that he quite enjoyed it.... And I just came to realize that the last 3 posts of him all contain pictures of him eating sweets. I promise this doesn't happen ALL the time and the kid eats his vegetables well! =)

1 comment:

Sara said...

So I had to play a little catch up and I think that you may have brought a little humidty from Florida, but looks like you had such a great time...and it is summer, perfect time to cool of with some sweet treats...we should meet up some time and do lunch, it has been a long time...