I Samuel 1:27-28 "For this child I prayed, and the Lord has given me my petition which I asked of Him. So I have also dedicated him to the Lord; as long as he lives, he is dedicated to the Lord."
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Happy Early Mother's Day....
Sunday, April 26, 2009
We have had a busy week of traveling to and from Denver, CO - We went to recruit a possible worship pastor for Harvest but had the additional bonus of staying with our dear friends the Schimdts who Lee co youth-pastored with when we lived in Indiana. It was a great time with them - they are such amazing people! It was quite an entertaining time for Aaron also as they have 5 kids that were wonderful in creating much excitement for him. We came home and then did a garage sale with my fam, and now are closing off the week with some yucky colds. At any rate, in all the craziness, I haven't had much energy to blog or even take pictures to blog about, so sorry for the lull in blog action....
But anyway, as we were wiping our snotty noses and taking a few minutes to rest, I caught a little video of Aaron watching his "Praise Baby" video (the only thing that he will watch for even a few minutes)....
He loves this song in particular and I love his attempts to say "Hallelujah". It is amazing to see these beginning steps in his spiritual walk... He also likes to pray A LOT right now so I'm thinking he's going to become a Christian anyday now.... =) This should result in less spankings and time outs, right??? =)
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Mama time
Also, trying to clean out some of the junk or things we don't need right now. As I went through Aaron's closet, I thought I would get the baby bouncie seat out to lend to Aaron's cousin Owen that is coming in about a month or so. I didn't know it would be such a hit for a long-legged toddler....
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
"Hey" is for Horses....
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Guitar Hero
p.s. Thanks Mom for buying a new camera and donating your old one to us =) Whew!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
A few things about our week...
*It was our last weekend and week at Red Mountain Community Church as we are heading full time to the Harvest church plant now. This has brought a lot of mixed emotions for me especially - it's hard and somewhat unnecessary to explain it all here.... For those of you we are leaving behind, we will miss you and are so grateful for our time together. For those of you coming with us, well, we love you and are ecstatic to have your prescence as we "bleed together" these next few months/years. =) Please, please, please keep us in your prayers on this endeavor..... We can't do it without them.
*My boy is becoming a super chatterbox, esp. in the car as many of you have shared with your own kids. Most often, the conversation in the car revolves around who we have just left or who we are going to see at the next destination. Keep in mind that Aaron doesn't have a ton of words in his r'epertoire still as well as quite a few made up words. This is a typical conversation:
Aaron: "Mama?"
Me: "Yes baby."
Aaron: "Dada?"
Me: "Dada is bye bye at church."
Aaron: "Papa?"
Me: "Papa is at church too."
Aaron: "aeh aeh?" (with his chest out - this means he wants to "go" be with whoever he is talking about)
Me: "No honey. We have to go home now - Daddy will come home soon" or "We can go to Papa's house later."
Aaron: "Papa?"
Me: "Papa is bye bye at church."
Aaron: "Papa?"
Me: "Papa is bye bye."
Aaron: "Bo?" (This is referencing the fountain in my parents' backyard - all water is "Bo.")
Me: "The Bo is at Papa's and we are going home."
Aaron: "Dada?"
Sometimes I try ignoring him at this point because we are going round in circles. It is all I can do to keep from bursting out laughing because he says "Mama? Mama? Mama? Mama? Mama?" UNTIL I answer him. In which I respond, "Yes baby." And the questions about Papa, Dada, or the "Bo" continue....