Wednesday, April 15, 2009

"Hey" is for Horses....

And it also serves as a good nickname for Grandma....

It used to be just a common greeting Aaron had for her - as soon as we walk up the driveway to their house, he starts grinning and yelling "Hey" through the screen door to announce his arrival. I began to suspect this past weekend, however, that according to him, it may be her actual title. This has been confirmed to me on several occassions, one being when he is asking where different people are (a regular ritual of his) and amongst the list after Papa comes "Hey?" with his palms turned up in a questioning manner. It is so hilarious, though to my mom not so much, and we are wondering how long it will last.... She is now on a major mission to teach him Grandma....


Bethany said...

So stinkin' funny!!!!

Danielle said...

That one made me laugh out loud! I remember when we were picking names for my parents when Trenton was born and my mom kept saying, well he'll call me what he chooses to call me. So true =)