Monday, July 13, 2009

I took a quick somewhat last minute trip to meet up with some of my old Biola softball buddies, Krista and Jen, in Palm Springs. It was the first time I have ever left Lee and Aaron alone overnight, and though I missed them, it was very nice =) It was great to catch up with them face to face and have some girl time. I have been so grateful for their friendships over the years and love them dearly....Lee and Aaron had lots of fun together too.... I think leaving them alone together made them extra onery.... Aaron has a new trick now....

Or he is just being a typical almost two year old =)


Jeanetta said...

Hmm, I should have warned you of the inevitable perils of leaving Dad home with the kids unsupervised! Ha ha! But it also good for them, too. The kids and the dad! :) Good for you!

Anonymous said...

Love your hair that length Melissa! Glad you had a wonderful time with friends. :-)

Lee said...

Nice "wheat" sandwich!