Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The time has come.... say goodbye. A day that we were dreading, (esp. because of those of you that have gone before us in this =) ) but I knew it wasn't going to get any easier. At least the first 24 hours are over (we have made it through one night and two naps), but we still have a ways to go until the transition is official. Oh the joys of growing up.... Though I'm sure this is NOTHING compared to the frustations of potty-training.

Any advice, encouragement, prayers you offer on this behalf are greatly appreciated. =)

Fare thee well, dear pappy - you have served us well.


Adrienne Gibson said...

All I can say is YEAH!!!! You are doing it and it is difficult but I think you are over the hump with it. He probably doesnt even remember what it is by now :-)

Bethany said...

Well... I can't offer much advice because Eli still uses his blessed "passy" :) But only for naps and bed time. Since it doesn't cause any harm, I figured it's not a battle worth fighting. I know he won't be going to Kindergarten with it :) Ha! Good luck!

Herrman's said...

It may have been years ago, but I remember the "closing ceremony" of the pacifier. He is such a big boy;such brave parents:)

Mommy2five said...

You are doing great! Yes, while the first day may be over, in another couple days, (hopefully) it will be a long lost memory. It only ever took about 1 week at our house. my only advice...make sure all, every last one is gone. I hated it when a "lost" one was found. Hang in there...

Sara said...

Hang in there is right. We did it will Griffin when he turned one over MLK weekend so we had an extra day off and after that weekend we were good to go. I was lucky because McKenna never used one. But yes there still is potty training ;)

Amber said...

I thought the passy was harder than potty training! I cut the end of the tip off and gave it to them, and told them it was broken...b/c they were big. And had them throw it in the trash. It worked well for us. :) But each kid is SO different.

Anonymous said...

You go girl! Cold turkey is the only way in my opinion. And i dreaded potty training too, don't worry still have awhile for that one! By Monday he won't ever remember his pacifier! I promise ....and you'll be so glad you did it now and not a year from now! Hang in there!What a big boy!